
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Problem addressed

Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Preventing Youthful Substance Use and Harm - Between Effectiveness and Political Wishfulness Room R
Journal article 2012
Prevention Interventions in Recreational Settings Calafat A, Members Pompidou Group Prevention Platform
Report 2010
Prevention of poly-drugs addiction and reduction of drug-related harms programs for young people in recreational settings: Case study analysis Vigano, G
Report 2010
Preventive interventions for on-premise drinking: a promising but underresearched area of prevention Graham K.
Journal article 2000
Preventive interventions in nightlife: a review Calafat A, Juan M, Duch MA
Journal article 2009
Project ARM: Alcohol Risk Management to prevent sales to underage and intoxicated patrons Toomey TL, Wagenaar AC, Gehan JP et al.
Journal article 2001
Promoting innovation and excellence to face the rapid diffusion of novel psychoactive substances in the EU: The outcomes of the ReDNet project Corazza O, Assi S, Simonato P et al.
Journal article 2013
Promotion of responsible drinking in hotels McLean S, Wood LJ, Montgomery IM et al.
Journal article 1994
Prospective protective effect of parents on peer influences and college alcohol involvement Fairlie AM, Wood MD, Laird RD
Journal article 2012
Pseudo-drunk-patron evaluation of bar-staff compliance with Western Australian liquor law Rydon P, Stockwell T, Lang E et al.
Journal article 1996