The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox (HNT) is designed to improve the dissemination and implementation of available evidence-based interventions targeting alcohol and drug-related harms in nightlife settings. The European Commission funded a project to develop the HNT website in 2008-10. Partners were the Centre for Public Health Liverpool John Moores University (UK), National Institute for Drug Prevention (Hungary), VAD (Belgium), IREFREA (Spain) and the Trimbos Institute (The Netherlands). In 2016, the Toolbox was updated with financial support from the Dutch government, under its EU Presidency. The Trimbos Institute in The Netherlands coordinated the update, in cooperation with Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA, Portugal). From January 2017 onwards, the EMCDDA is responsible for hosting and maintaining the website.