
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Problem addressed

Title Author(s) Category Type Year
The Effect of Restricting Opening Hours on Alcohol-Related Violence Duailibi S, Ponicki W, Grube J et al.
Journal article 2007
The impact of later trading hours for hotels (public houses) on breath alcohol levels of apprehended impaired drivers Chikritzhs T, Stockwell T.
Journal article 2007
The relationship of 16 underage drinking laws to reductions in underage drinking drivers in fatal crashes in the United States Fell JC, Fisher DA, Voas RB et al.
Journal article 2007
Department of Transport reuses Bluetooth Qwikkler
Journal article 2006
One year of smokefree bars and restaurants in New Zealand: impacts and responses Thomson G, Wilson N.
Journal article 2006
Reducing alcohol-impaired driving crashes through the use of social marketing Rothschild ML, Mastin B, Miller TW.
Journal article 2006
UKCAPP: an evaluation of 3 UK Community Alcohol Prevention Programs Mistral, W. and Velleman, R.
Report 2006
Effects of nightlife activity on health Bellis MA, Hughes K, McVeigh J et al.
Journal article 2005
Evaluation of a regional community action intervention in New Zealand to improve age checks for young people purchasing alcohol Huckle T, Conway K, Casswell S et al.
Journal article 2005
Mass media campaigns reduce the incidence of drinking and driving Tay R.
Journal article 2005