
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
A six-community prevention trial to reduce alcohol and drug use-related problems in Sweden: planning and early findings Andreasson S, Sjostrom E, Branstrom R
Journal article 2007
A system for evaluating local alcohol and drug use prevention initiatives Danielsson AK, Romelsjo A
Journal article 2007
Aboriginal community alcohol harm reduction policy (ACAHRP) project: a vision for the future. Gliksman L, Rylett M, Douglas RR
Journal article 2007
Dissemination of prevention: community action targeting alcohol use-related problems at licensed premises Wallin, E
Journal article 2007
Effects of a community-based drug use prevention program targeting licensed premises. Gripenberg J, Wallin E, Andreasson S.
Journal article 2007
Impact of the new UK licensing law on emergency hospital attendances: a cohort study Newton A, Sarker SS, Pahal GS et al.
Journal article 2007
Individual-level interventions to reduce college student drinking: a meta-analytic review Carey KB, Scott-Sheldon LA, Carey MP et al.
Journal article 2007
Non-advertising alcohol promotions in licensed premises: does the Code of Practice ensure responsible promotion of alcohol? Jones SC, Lynch M
Journal article 2007
Predicting alcohol-related harms from licensed outlet density: A feasibility study Chikritzhs T, Catalano P, Pascal, R et al.
Report 2007
Tactical options for dealing with alcohol-related violence identified through the tackling violent crime programme Dellar A, Pownall A
Report 2007