
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Emerging adults use of alcohol and social networking sites during a large street festival: A real-time interview study Whitehill JM, Pumper MA, Moreno M
Journal article 2015
Environmental and capacity requirements are critical for implementing and sustaining a drug prevention program: A multiple case study of ' clubs against drugs' Norrgard E, Wikstrom E, Pickering C et al.
Journal article 2014
Environmental factors in drinking venues and alcohol-related harm: the evidence base for European intervention Hughes K, Quigg Z, Eckley L et al.
Journal article 2011
Environmental Strategies for Prevention of Drug Use and Risks in Clubs Miller BA, Holder HD, Voas RB
Journal article 2009
Evaluating the effects of a community coalition's efforts to reduce illegal sales of alcohol and tobacco products to minors. Lewis RK, Paine-Andrews A, Fawcett SB et al.
Journal article 1996
Evaluating the Impact of Flexible Alcohol Trading Hours on Violence: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Humphreys DK, Eisner MP, Wiebe DJ
Journal article 2013
Evaluating the impact of getting to outcomes-underage drinking on prevention capacity and alcohol merchant attitudes and selling behaviors. Chinman M, Ebener P, Burkhart Q et al.
Journal article 2014
Evaluation of a designated driver intervention to prevent alcohol-related road accidents in the clubs of Milan, Italy Aresi G, Fornari L, Repetto C et al.
Journal article 2009
Evaluation of a regional community action intervention in New Zealand to improve age checks for young people purchasing alcohol Huckle T, Conway K, Casswell S et al.
Journal article 2005
Face-to-face versus computer-delivered alcohol interventions for college drinkers: a meta-analytic review Carey KB, Scott-Sheldon LA, Elliott JC et al.
Journal article 2012