
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Evaluating the impact of getting to outcomes-underage drinking on prevention capacity and alcohol merchant attitudes and selling behaviors. Chinman M, Ebener P, Burkhart Q et al.
Journal article 2014
Evaluation of a designated driver intervention to prevent alcohol-related road accidents in the clubs of Milan, Italy Aresi G, Fornari L, Repetto C et al.
Journal article 2009
Evaluation of a regional community action intervention in New Zealand to improve age checks for young people purchasing alcohol Huckle T, Conway K, Casswell S et al.
Journal article 2005
Face-to-face versus computer-delivered alcohol interventions for college drinkers: a meta-analytic review Carey KB, Scott-Sheldon LA, Elliott JC et al.
Journal article 2012
Getting drunk safely? Night-life policy in the UK and its public health consequences Bellis MA, Hughes K
Journal article 2011
Hazards Faced by Young Designated Drivers: In-Car Risks of Driving Drunken Passengers Rothe PJ, Carroll LJ
Journal article 2009
Health and Safety European Standards for nightlife venues Calafat A, Duch M, Juan M et al.
Journal article 2012
Impact of providing drinkers with 'know your limit' information on drinking and driving: A field experiment Johnson MB, Clapp JD
Journal article 2011
Impact of the new UK licensing law on emergency hospital attendances: a cohort study Newton A, Sarker SS, Pahal GS et al.
Journal article 2007
Incidents of harm in European drinking environments and relationships with venue and customer characteristics Quigg Z, Hughes K, Bellis MA et al.
Journal article 2014