
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
The relationship of 16 underage drinking laws to reductions in underage drinking drivers in fatal crashes in the United States Fell JC, Fisher DA, Voas RB et al.
Journal article 2007
Traffic risk behaviours at nightlife: drinking, taking drugs, driving and use of public transport by young people Calafat A, Blay N, Juan M et al.
Journal article 2009
Recreational drug use in the Oslo nightlife setting: study protocol for a cross-sectional time series using biological markers, self-reported and qualitative data. Nordfjærn T., Edland-Gryt M., Bretteville-Jensen A.L., Buvik K., & Gripenberg J.
Journal article 2016
Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife arena: An underused setting for risk-reducing interventions? Nordfjærn T., Bretteville-Jensen A.L., Edland-Gryt M., & Gripenberg J.
Journal article 2016
Alcohol Ignition interlock programmes for reducing drink driving recidivism Willis C, Lybrand S, Bellamy N.
Review 2004
Interventions in the alcohol server setting for preventing injuries Ker K, Chinnock P
Review 2008
Alcohol in transport: issues and interventions Morleo M, Elliott G, Cook PA
Report 2009
Evaluation of the Lancashire Polycarbonate Glass Pilot Project Anderson Z, Whelan G, Hughes K et al.
Report 2009
Prevention Interventions in Recreational Settings Calafat A, Members Pompidou Group Prevention Platform
Report 2010
Prevention of poly-drugs addiction and reduction of drug-related harms programs for young people in recreational settings: Case study analysis Vigano, G
Report 2010