This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.
Title | Author(s) | Category | Type | Year |
Investigating displacement effects as a result of the Sydney, NSW alcohol lockout legislation | Caitlin Elizabeth Hughes & Alexander Shou Weedon-Newstead | |
Journal article | |
The detection and prevention of unintentional consumption of DOx and 25x-NBOMe at Portugal’s Boom Festival | Martins D, Barratt M, Vale Pires C, Carvalho H, Ventura M, Fornís I, Valente H | |
Journal article | |
Analysis of the differences in the profile and drug use patterns between male and female who attend raves | F. Fernández-Calderón, O.M. Lozano-Rojas, I. Bilbao-Acedos, A.J. Rojas-Tejada, C. Vidal-Giné, E. Vergara-Moragues, F. González-Saiz | |
Journal article | |
Polysubstance use and associated effects at raves parties | Fermín Fernández-Calderón; Óscar M. Lozano Rojas; Izaskun Bilbao Acedos; Antonio J. Rojas Tejada; Claudio Vidal Giné; Esperanza Vergara Moragues & Francisco González-Saiz | |
Journal article | |
Harm Reduction Behaviors Among Young Polysubstance Users at Raves | Fermín Fernández-Calderón PhD, Óscar Lozano-Rojas PhD, Antonio Rojas-Tejada PhD, Izaskun Bilbao-Acedos BD, Claudio Vidal-Giné BD, Esperanza Vergara-Moragues PhD & Francisco González-Saiz PhD | |
Journal article | |
Polysubstance Use Patterns in Underground Rave Attenders: A Cluster Analysis | Fernández-Calderón F., Lozano O.M., Vidal C., Ortega J.G., Vergara E., González-Sáiz F., Bilbao I., ENERGY CONTROL TEAM: Caluente M., Cano T., Cid F., Dominguez C., Izquierdo E., Pérez MI. | |
Journal article | |
Club Drugs and Rave Parties: A Pilot Study on Synthetic Drug Consumption Styles in a Sample of Young Italian Ravers | Biolcati R. and Mancini G. | |
Journal article | |
Short-term changes in nightlife attendance and patron intoxication following alcohol restrictions in Queensland, Australia | Coomber K, Zahnow R, Ferris J, Droste N, Mayshak R, Curtis A, Kypri K, de Andrade D, Grant K, Chikritzhs T, Room R, Jiang H, Taylor N, Najman J, Miller P. | |
Health and Social Problems Associated with Recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Use Amongst Marginalised, Nightlife and Online Users in Six European Countries | Van Hout MC, Benschop A, Bujalski M, Dąbrowska K, Demetrovics Z, Felvinczi K, Hearne E, Henriques S, Kaló Z, Kamphausen G, Korf D, Silva JP, Wieczorek Ł, Werse B | |
Journal article | |
Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Party-Drug Use and Associated Problems among University Students in the Netherlands | Kunst LE, Gebhardt WA | |
Journal article |
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