This section contains extra information such as reports and papers on general nightlife issues. These articles are not related to evaluated interventions within nightlife, but they may still be useful and interesting as background information.
This section contains extra information such as reports and papers on general nightlife issues. These articles are not related to evaluated interventions within nightlife, but they may still be useful and interesting as background information.
Title | Author(s) | Category | Type | Year |
Club drug use and associated high-risk sexual behaviour in six provinces in China | Bao YP, Liu ZM, Li JH et al. | |
Journal Article | |
Work Hard, Party Harder: Drug Use and Sexual Behaviour in Young British Casual Workers in Ibiza, Spain | Kelly D, Hughes K, Bellis MA | |
Journal Article | |
Sexual uses of alcohol and drugs and the associated health risks: a cross sectional study of young people in nine European cities | Bellis MA, Hughes K, Calafat A et al. | |
Journal Article | |
Strategizer 55: regulating alcohol outlet density: an action guide | Sparks M, Jernigan DH, Mosher JF et al. | |
Report | |
Among friends: a qualitative exploration of the role of peers in young people's alcohol use using Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, field and capital | MacArthur G J, Jacob N, Pound P, Hickman M, Campbell R | |
Journal Article | |
Dark rooms in Brazilian nightclubs: a matter of concern for STD/HIV policymakers. | Zila M. SanchezA,B, Claudia M. A. CarliniA and Solange Andreonia | |
Paper |
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