
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Problem addressed

Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Drug checking as a harm reduction tool for recreational drug users: opportunities and challenges Tibor Brunt
From ecstasy to MDMA: Recreational drug use, symbolic boundaries, and drug trends Edland-Gryta, M., Sandberg, S., Pedersen, W.
Journal article 2017
Socio-spatial authenticity at co-created music festivals Isabelle Szmigin, Andrew Bengry-Howell, Yvette Morey, Christine Griffin, Sarah Riley
Journal article 2017
Emergency department-based brief interventions for individuals with substance-related problems: a review of effectiveness EMCDDA
Journal article 2016
Evaluation of the Liverpool Drink Less Enjoy More intervention Quigg Z, Ford K, McGee C et al.
Report 2016
Impact of Cross-Sectoral Alcohol Policy on Youth Alcohol Consumption de Goeij M, Jacobs, M, van Nierop P, van der Veeken-Vlassak I, van de Mheen D, Schoenmakers T, Harting J, Kunst A
Journal article 2016
Environmental contexts of combined alcohol and energy drink use: Associations with intoxication in licensed venues Droste N, Miller P, Pennay A, Zinkiewicz L, Lubman DI
Journal article 2016
If it works there, will it work here? The effect of a multi-component responsible beverage service (RBS) programme on violence in Oslo Skardhamar T, Fekjær SB, Pedersen W
Journal article 2016
Recreational drug use in the Oslo nightlife setting: study protocol for a cross-sectional time series using biological markers, self-reported and qualitative data. Nordfjærn T., Edland-Gryt M., Bretteville-Jensen A.L., Buvik K., & Gripenberg J.
Journal article 2016
Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife arena: An underused setting for risk-reducing interventions? Nordfjærn T., Bretteville-Jensen A.L., Edland-Gryt M., & Gripenberg J.
Journal article 2016