
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Problem addressed

Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Alcohol Ignition interlock programmes for reducing drink driving recidivism Willis C, Lybrand S, Bellamy N.
Review 2004
Effectiveness of mass media campaigns for reducing drinking and driving and alcohol-involved crashes: A systematic review Elder RW, Shults RA, Sleet DA et al.
Journal article 2004
Making licensed venues safer for patrons: what environmental factors should be the focus of interventions? Homel R, Carvolth R, Hauritz M et al.
Journal article 2004
The prevention of young driver's DWI (driving while intoxicated) and RWDI (riding with a driver under influence) in Europe: a social-sequential model. Assailly, J.P.
Journal article 2004
Effects of nightlife activity on health Bellis MA, Hughes K, McVeigh J et al.
Journal article 2005
Overserving at Licensed Premises in Stockholm: Effects of a Community Action Program Wallin, E., Gripenberg, J., Andréasson S.
Journal article 2005
Reducing alcohol-impaired driving crashes through the use of social marketing Rothschild ML, Mastin B, Miller TW.
Journal article 2006
A six-community prevention trial to reduce alcohol and drug use-related problems in Sweden: planning and early findings Andreasson S, Sjostrom E, Branstrom R
Journal article 2007
Dissemination of prevention: community action targeting alcohol use-related problems at licensed premises Wallin, E
Journal article 2007
Impact of the new UK licensing law on emergency hospital attendances: a cohort study Newton A, Sarker SS, Pahal GS et al.
Journal article 2007