
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
A comparison of self-reported sexual effects of alcohol, marijuana, and ecstasy in a sample of young adult nightlife attendees Joseph J. Palamar, Marybec Griffin-Tomas, Patricia Acosta, Danielle C. Ompad & Charles M. Cleland
The influence of guides on alcohol consumption among young tourists at a nightlife resort Tutenges S, Jæger MM, Hesse M
Short-term changes in nightlife attendance and patron intoxication following alcohol restrictions in Queensland, Australia Coomber K, Zahnow R, Ferris J, Droste N, Mayshak R, Curtis A, Kypri K, de Andrade D, Grant K, Chikritzhs T, Room R, Jiang H, Taylor N, Najman J, Miller P.
Risk-based licensing of alcohol venues and emergency department injury presentations in two Australian states Curtis, A., Bowe, S.J., Coomber, K., Graham, K., Chikritzhs, T., Kypri, K., & Miller, P.G.
A comprehensive examination of U.S. laws enacted to reduce alcohol-related crashes among underage drivers Romano E, Scherer M, Fell J et al.
Journal article 2015
A cost-effectiveness analysis of alcohol prevention targeting licensed premises Mansdotter AM, Rydberg MK, Wallin E et al.
Journal article 2007
A European study on alcohol and drug use among young drivers: the TEND by Night study design and methodology Siliquini R, Chiado Piat S, Alonso F et al.
Journal article 2010
A long-term community-wide intervention to reduce alcohol-related traffic injuries Roeper PJ, Voas RB, Padilla-Sanchez L et al.
Journal article 2000
A randomized controlled trial of event-specific prevention strategies for reducing problematic drinking associated with 21st birthday celebrations. Neighbors C, Lee CM, Atkins DC et al.
Journal article 2012
A sex risk reduction text-message program for young adult females discharged from the emergency department Suffoletto B, Akers A, McGinnis KA et al.
Journal article 2013