
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.

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Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Substance Use and Prevention Programs in Berlin’s Party Scene: Results of the SuPrA-Study Betzler F., Ernst F., Helbig J., Viohl L., Roediger L., Meister S., Romanczuk-Seiferth N., Heinz A., Ströhle A., & Stephan Köhler S.
Journal article 2019
Summing up: lessons from a comprehensive community prevention trial Holder HD, Saltz RF, Grube AJT et al.
Journal article 1997
Tackling alcohol related violence in city centres: effect of emergency medicine and police intervention. Warburton AL, Shepherd JP.
Journal article 2005
Tactical options for dealing with alcohol-related violence identified through the tackling violent crime programme Dellar A, Pownall A
Report 2007
Testing the impact of local alcohol licencing policies on reported crime rates in England De Vocht F, Heron J, Campbell R, Egan M, Mooney J D, Angus C, Brennan A, Hickman M
Journal article 2017
Text-message-based drinking assessments and brief interventions for young adults discharged from the emergency department Suffoletto B, Callaway C, Kristan J et al.
Journal article 2012
The contexts of heavy drinking: A systematic review of the combinations of context-related factors associated with heavy drinking occasions Stanesby, O., Labhart, F., Dietze, P., Wright, C.J.C., & Emmanuel Kuntsche, E.
Journal article 2019
The development of the recreational drug outreach educational concept `Drug Idle' Wood DM, Who S, Alldus G et al.
Journal article 2010
The effect of enforcement upon service of alcohol ed patrons of bars and restaurants McKnight AJ, Streff FM.
Journal article 1994
The Effect of Restricting Opening Hours on Alcohol-Related Violence Duailibi S, Ponicki W, Grube J et al.
Journal article 2007