Dance smart ;)


General aim of the intervention is to reduce harms connected with drug use in the nightlife settings in Slovenia. DrogArt peer workers are present at clubs, larger electronic events and open public spaces. They provide basic first aid, distribute info materials, fruit and refreshing drinks and give out harm reduction advice. We provide also counselling service with personal, telephonic and internet counselling (through e-mails and webbased self-help application Reduser), drug checking service with brief councelling and develop different on-line and mobile information tools (for example: DrogApp). We performed process evaluation for different intervention activities on our yearly evaluation meeting. The effectiveness of harm reduction informing work was in several research projects we performed, where users self-reported that they were taking into account harm reduction information they got and using drug less risky after being informed about harm reduction strategies. We plan to prepare more structured evaluation in the future and at that point it would be useful for us to collect some established and effective tools for evaluation in the field of harm reduction in the nightlife settings and youth drug use.
