Crew reduces harm, challenges perceptions and helps people make more informed choices about alcohol, cannabis, club drugs and new drugs (New Psychoactive Substances [NPS] or 'Legal Highs') by providing non-judgemental, credible, up to date information and support. Crew delivers services using a 'stepped care model':
Step one. Prevention and education through training for professionals, Drop-in shop, My Crew online information resource, outreach services including work at festivals and nightlife settings across Scotland and Curriculum resources for children and young people in schools and youth work agencies Scotland wide.
Step two. Brief interventions and crisis support when and where people need this: Drop-in shop, telephone support, My Crew's online chatroom, tracking tool and new mobile phone app; outreach services including nightlife in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and national music festivals and person-centred, outcome-focussed counselling for people aged 16 and over.
Step three. Intensive support for recovery, for people whose drug use has become problematic, through person-centred, outcome-focused counselling, CBT, Mindfulness and alternative therapies.
Step four. Developing social networks for people in recovery to help them sustain positive health and behaviours which involves establishing support groups, for example SMART (Self- managed Recovery Training) meetings and individual support packages.