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Good to know | Drugs, space, and sociality in a gay nightclub in Sydney. |
Good to know | Dutch adolescent private drinking places: Prevalence, alcohol consumption, and other risk behaviors |
Good to know | Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon mood and cognition: Before, during and after a Saturday night dance. |
Good to know | Ecstasy use among US adolescents from 1999 to 2008 |
Good to know | Effects of a community-based drug use prevention program targeting licensed premises. |
Good to know | Effects of nightlife activity on health |
Good to know | Elevated substance use in casual labour at international nightlife resorts: A case control study. |
Good to know | Enjoying the nightlife in Europe. The role of moderation |
Good to know | Epidemiology meets cultural studies: Studying and understanding youth cultures, clubs and drugs |
Good to know | Estimated lifetime drug use, impulsivity, and psychopathology in recreational ecstasy users |